الأربعاء، 26 أغسطس 2015

For more Diverse Economy

Petrochemicals industry is a big opportunity need to be taken to achieve economical growth. 

What we have done so far is upgrading recent refineries and prepare to establish 3 new high tech plants. 

Which can contribute in covering the domestic demand and the world hunger for petrochemicals. 

By the end of 2020 petrochemicals industry will worth 880 billion $, recently it's contributing by 13% in our GDP. Although this industry is a big opportunity to take but for more diverse economy we need to take more opportunities in different areas of the world economy. 

A diverse economy is constructed of independent investments that it'll carry on by its own, it won't be affected directly by other investments gains or losses.  

Areas like Renewable Energy, Information Technology, Real-estate and Heavy Manufacturing Industries will represent good development for our economical growth and diversity. 

If we just plan and built a reliable infrastructure for one or two of previously mentioned areas and maintain its feasibility for the upcoming 10 years at least we will be able to reduce our accountability on Oil reserves, and that will provide more sustainability for both our reserves and our economies. 

Hope we can see that soon......

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